Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Ends...

Tonight, I lay in bed... the house is so quiet at 9:00 pm. It really hit me... summer is over.
Spencer's gone to Utah, Alexis is in bed and Dave is asleep downstairs on the couch... no, he doesn't sleep there for the night. He will come up eventually.
We've had some wonderful events take place this summer and I will always cherish them... two in particular. I feel such gratitude for all I've been given and I'm so thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives!
I don't want summer to end yet! It went too fast... seems like it always does.
*Mission Call
*Youth Conference
*Girls Camp
*Scout Trip
*White Water Rafting
*Outdoor Concerts
*Farmers Market
*Orange Leaf
*Fancy Malls
*Ted Drews
*The Hill
*Youth Temple
*Service Project
*Utah (Spencer)
I keep thinking how the dynamics of our family has changed over the years. I feel like I don't know how to prepare myself for the future. It will be different... a new chapter in my life for sure! But I will embrace it!

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Paige---I love that you guys are always doing something fun as a family. It makes me think of the fun possibilities that I can have when my girls get older. So happy to see updates! Now....when are we going to see you???